Secluded 3 Bedroom Villa-Pacific Ocean & Puerto Marques View - Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

Secluded 3 Bedroom Villa-Pacific Ocean & Puerto Marques View - Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Secluded 3 Bedroom Villa-Pacific Ocean & Puerto Marques View

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Secluded 3 Bedroom Villa-Pacific Ocean & Puerto Marques View

Mexico, Mexico


: $365,000 - $370,000 USD  (Negotiable)
Rent It For: $300 - $500

Villa For Sale or For Rent in Acapulco, Guerrero Mexico

3 Bedroom Villa located in secure gated area, secluded, with view of the Bay of Marques located before entering into the Bay area of Acapulco. Two levels, accomodating 6 ADULTS and 2 children with private living and relaxation! Maid service is included and for $20 USD per day you can get a cook to prepare your favorite Mexican Dishes and snacks poolside.
3 Bedroom Villa located in secure gated area, secluded, with view of the Bay of Marques located before entering into the Bay area of Acapulco. Two levels, accomodating 6 ADULTS and 2 children with private living and relaxation! Maid service is included and for $20 USD per day you can get a cook to prepare your favorite Mexican Dishes and snacks poolside.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   4
Sleeps   8
Stories   2
Parking Spaces   3
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pool, Terrace, Patio, Ocean View, Gated Security Area, View Of Bay Of Puerto Marques, Secluded And Private Area,
Contact information
Contact person name   Ignacio Aragon -  

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