The price for listing on BestRealEstatePlanet.com is from $3 to $15 a month. It depends on package you select.
The position of your ad on each page depends on the package. We offer 3 types of pricing packages: Basic - for ordinary listing, Gold - for higher positions on search results, Platinum - for top positions on any page of our website and for periodical placing on homepage.
So you can select yourself how much to pay to be in first place in your city, region, country or even to be on the first page of our website.
We do not support recurring payments so you will not be billed automatically. You select how long you need your property to be listed and pay only for that selected time. You will get an email remind when paid time ends and then you can make decision to renew your property listing or not.
Submission is easy and fast. Just fill in the form below and your property will be validated within few hours and listed on our pages. We allow unlimited images gallery for each property and unlimited text for description.