Beautiful Residential Town Home - Quintana Roo Single Family Homes Property For Sale Or Rent at

Beautiful Residential Town Home - Quintana Roo Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Beautiful Residential Town Home

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Beautiful Residential Town Home

Mexico, Quintana Roo

Quintana Roo

Property for sale: $165,000 USD

Town Home For Sale in Cancun, Quintana Roo Mexico

Despite by being hit head-on by powerful hurricane Wilma this house is in great shape! Yes, this home is built to withstand hurricanes. Most homes in the U.S.
Despite by being hit head-on by powerful hurricane Wilma this house is in great shape! Yes, this home is built to withstand hurricanes. Most homes in the U.S. would have blown away in this kind of Cat 4 storm, this home is in excellent shape!

Situated on a quiet residential street in downtown Cancun,
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   1,500 Sq. Ft
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Sleeps   5
Stories   1
Parking Spaces   1
Features   Pet Friendly, Maid's Quarters, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Patio, Cable TV, Airco/cable Tv/Satellite Tv/internet High Speed/,
Contact information
Contact person name   Vidar Ellefsen
Phone numbers   1-866-694-8417  (Toll Free)
Website link

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