Affordable Beachfront - America Condos Property For Sale Or Rent at

Affordable Beachfront - America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Affordable Beachfront

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Affordable Beachfront


Cabo San Lucas
Baja California Sur

Property for sale: $752,000 USD  (Negotiable)

Condo For Sale in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur Mexico


Elegant Beach front condo. Spectacular 2 bed/ 3 bath right on the only swimmable beach in Cabo. marble floors. huge covered terrace with incredible view of the sea and pool area and garden, family room with fireplace, satellite tv, dsl system. Beautiful spacious bathrooms with tub/jacuzzi. 24/7 security. w/d. A/C included in maintenance fees.

Elegant Beach front condo. Spectacular 2 bed/ 3 bath right on the only swimmable beach in Cabo. marble floors. huge covered terrace with incredible view of the sea and pool area and garden, family room with fireplace, satellite tv, dsl system. Beautiful spacious bathrooms with tub/jacuzzi. 24/7 security. w/d. A/C included in maintenance fees. dishwasher, microwave, kitchen bar. Perfect access to town and amenities. Community pool/jacuzzi and common garden area. Gym, spa, minimarket, tennis courts, video club,etc. Top management and growing demand as a luxury parking. great rental under market value. VERY MOTIVATED SELLER!
Property Summary
Offered by   Agent
Area   7,166 Sq. Ft
Bedrooms   2
Bathrooms   3
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pool, Gym/Spa, Patio, Cable TV,
Contact information
Contact person name   Laura Lopez Linares
Phone numbers   0446241105853

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