Retire Here And Add Some Income! - North America Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at

Retire Here And Add Some Income! - North America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Retire Here And Add Some Income!

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Retire Here And Add Some Income!

Canada, Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

Property for sale: $60,000 USD

Lot/Land For Sale in Nova Scotia Canada

This romantic property, between
Green Road and the Tidnish River,
has lots of potential.

From the road you enter a treed
lot which opens to an area where
once the house was located. There
is a garage/storage building,
a well and a septic tank in working
This romantic property, between
Green Road and the Tidnish River,
has lots of potential.

From the road you enter a treed
lot which opens to an area where
once the house was located. There
is a garage/storage building,
a well and a septic tank in working

A little downhill is a brook which
flows into the Tidnish River in
front of the property. From here
it takes you about 15 minutes by
boat to reach the ocean.

A nice extra - about 4 acres of the
total of 7.3 acres of land are a
blueberry field with a bi-annual

And... you can divide the property
into lots (as they have done in
the neighbourhood).

Price: Canadian $ 60,000
plus 15 Sales Tax if applicable.

Listing Agent is owner of property.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Terrace, Patio, Airport = 60-100 Kms,
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