New Luxury Hotel, Less Than Replacement Cost!! - Hotels Property For Sale Or Rent at

New Luxury Hotel, Less Than Replacement Cost!! - Property For Sale Or Rent at
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New Luxury Hotel, Less Than Replacement Cost!!

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Property For Sale Or Rent: New Luxury Hotel, Less Than Replacement Cost!!

Costa Rica

Perez Zeledon
Costa Rica
San Isidro De El General
Perez Zeledon
Costa Rica

Property for sale: $1,750,000 USD  (Negotiable)

New Luxury Hotel For Sale in San Isidro De El General, Perez Zeledon Costa Rica


This luxury hotel located in San Isidro de el General, Costa Rica's fastest growing city, was completed in January 2004. It features 21 elegantly furnished suites, gourmet restaurant, 5 rented storefronts, conference room, courtyard parking, and wireless internet access throughout the hotel.

This luxury hotel located in San Isidro de el General, Costa Rica's fastest growing city, was completed in January 2004. It features 21 elegantly furnished suites, gourmet restaurant, 5 rented storefronts, conference room, courtyard parking, and wireless internet access throughout the hotel.

With it's ideal location 2 1/2 hours from San Jose, 2 1/2 hours from the Panamanian border, 45 minutes from Chiripo National Park, and 45 minutes from the beaches of Dominical, Hotel Diamante Real is a sure money maker!

Currently 3 stories with plans and approval for an additional 2 stories, the hotel has room to grow in the future. Be sure to see the web site for additional information and pictures.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Furnished, Laundry Room, Cable TV, Mountain View, Remote Controlled Air Conditioning, Remote Controlled Color T.V. (cable), Interior Courtyard Parking, Wireless Internet In All Rooms, Gourmet Restaurant, 5 Rented Storefronts, Luxuriously Appointed Suites, Some With Jacuzzi,
Contact information
Contact person name   David Goodridge
Phone numbers   954-341-5721  (US)

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