Beautiful Beachfront Property In The Grenadines For Sale! - St. Vincent and The Grenadines Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at

Beautiful Beachfront Property In The Grenadines For Sale! - St. Vincent and The Grenadines Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Beautiful Beachfront Property In The Grenadines For Sale!

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Beautiful Beachfront Property In The Grenadines For Sale!

St. Vincent and The Grenadines

Friendship Bay
St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Property for sale: 199,000 €  (Negotiable)

Beachfront Property For Sale in Friendship Bay, Bequia/Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines

In FRIENDSHIP BAY, in the south of Bequia (9 square miles) are 41,505 sqft. (~3.700 m²) of beachfront property for sale. 11.505 sqft. are ready for immediate construction, 30,000 sqft. are designed as recreational area and available for rest areas, swimmimgpool or BBQ-site.
In FRIENDSHIP BAY, in the south of Bequia (9 square miles) are 41,505 sqft. (~3.700 m²) of beachfront property for sale. 11.505 sqft. are ready for immediate construction, 30,000 sqft. are designed as recreational area and available for rest areas, swimmimgpool or BBQ-site.

A fully equipped beach bar / restaurant is part of the property, which is also linked to a 200 feet boat dock.
Yacht moorings in front of the property. Access road, electrical power and telephone already on site.

Ideally suited for a small hotel or apartments.

Perfect infrastructure (airport, banks, supermarkets):

A dive center is located on the adjacent property.

A duty-free licence and a 10 year tax holiday is guaranteed for investors by law !

For information about property purchase (legal procedures) in Saint Vincent, please visit the website.

asking price 199.000,- Euro
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1999
Area   41,505 Sq. Ft
Features   Terrace, Patio, Ocean Waterfront, 600 Sqft Beach Bar/Restaurant,
Contact information
Phone numbers   +49(0)179-3712348
Website link

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