Residential Lots With Splendid View And Pleasant Climate - Costa Rica Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at

Residential Lots With Splendid View And Pleasant Climate - Costa Rica Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Residential Lots With Splendid View And Pleasant Climate

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Residential Lots With Splendid View And Pleasant Climate

Costa Rica

Apdo. 209
Alajuela 4013
Costa Rica

Property for sale: $64,000 USD  (Negotiable)

Lot/Land For Sale in Atenas, Alajuela Costa Rica

“Los Guanacastes� is an enclosed building area with 18 fully developped lots. These lots are located near the small city of Atenas (8 km) at approx. 550 m above sea level and have a beautiful view to the Central Valley and the mountains with the volcanos.

Atenas is known for its pleasant climate and is one of the country´s preferred residential areas.
“Los Guanacastes� is an enclosed building area with 18 fully developped lots. These lots are located near the small city of Atenas (8 km) at approx. 550 m above sea level and have a beautiful view to the Central Valley and the mountains with the volcanos.

Atenas is known for its pleasant climate and is one of the country´s preferred residential areas. Banks, post office, restaurants and shopping facilities are available.

A big advantage is the highway San José - Puerto Caldera. The construction will begin November 2006. It enables you to reach the capital San José (1 hour drive) and the airport (25 minutes) faster, it also gets you faster to the Pacific coast. Thus it allows to lead a quiet life in a natural environment but close to all necessary services.

Price: $ 17.00/m2

The size of the lots is in between 3400 and 4400 m2; every lot is registered at the “Registro Nacional de la Propiedad�. Six lots are already sold and built on.

During your absence our guard - he lives at the entrance to the area - will look after your property.

“Guanacaste� is the Spanish name for “Ear Pot Tree�, an impressive big tree with ear-like fruits. Several trees of this kind can be found on the lots, among other exotic trees. Here we have different kinds of birds, for example Hummingbirds, Toucans, Falcons, Woodpeekers, Oropendola etc. and a lot of butterflies.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   3,750 m2
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room, Pool, Tennis Court, Gym/Spa, Lake View, Gated Community, One Car Garage + Ample Parking, Directly On Lake, Community Room, Library, All Major Appliances In Unit,
Contact information
Contact person name   Roble Amarillo, S.A.
Phone numbers   +506 - 446 1140 +506 - 639 8774 +506 - 390 2338
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