56 Acres - Ready For Development - 10 Minutes From Santiago - America Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com

56 Acres - Ready For Development - 10 Minutes From Santiago - America Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com
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56 Acres - Ready For Development - 10 Minutes From Santiago

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Property For Sale Or Rent: 56 Acres - Ready For Development - 10 Minutes From Santiago



Property for sale: $489,000 USD  (Negotiable - Financing Available)

Lot/Land For Sale in Santiago, Veraguas Panama

Location Location Location... fully titled property has it.
With 375 meters of frontage to the Pan American Highway and minutes from the growing city of Santiago de Veraguas, you cannot go wrong.

These 56.25 acres (22.74 hectars) of gentle slopes have thousands of trees and 2 bodies of water. Ideal for an upscale housing development with a friendly environment.
Location Location Location... fully titled property has it.
With 375 meters of frontage to the Pan American Highway and minutes from the growing city of Santiago de Veraguas, you cannot go wrong.

These 56.25 acres (22.74 hectars) of gentle slopes have thousands of trees and 2 bodies of water. Ideal for an upscale housing development with a friendly environment. Plenty of room for a lodging or hotel project. You are only a few minutes away from the nice city of Santiago, but still able to enjoy complete privacy. It can be your private villa within beautiful surrondings.

Water, electricity and phone service is readily available.

Property in this area has sold for $3.50 m^2. About $14,000 an acre.
We are asking $ 2.15 m^2. That is only $ 8,700 an acre.
This is a deal if you want the whole plot.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   56 Acres
Features   Over 11,000 Trees, 2 Bodies Of Water, Caretaker House, Storage Area, 2 Entrance Gates, Easy Access Internal Road Around The Property, Water Reservoir,
Contact information
Contact person name   Arnaldo Gasco
Phone numbers   352 315 0036  (US)

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