No Neighbours Very Close To The Sea Fully Equiped 3 Bedroom - Western Europe Property For Sale Or Rent at

No Neighbours Very Close To The Sea Fully Equiped 3 Bedroom - Western Europe Property For Sale Or Rent at
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No Neighbours Very Close To The Sea Fully Equiped 3 Bedroom

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Property For Sale Or Rent: No Neighbours Very Close To The Sea Fully Equiped 3 Bedroom



Rental property: 125 € per day

Home For Rent in Aljezur, Algarve Portugal

The house is located 5 minutes from the beach of Amoreira and another 10 minutes from the village of Aljezur. It has ocean view and no neighbours. The house has three bedrooms, two of them have double beds and the other has two single beds. There are two bathrooms one of them making a suite in one of the double bedrooms. It has a large living room with a dining area.
The house is located 5 minutes from the beach of Amoreira and another 10 minutes from the village of Aljezur. It has ocean view and no neighbours. The house has three bedrooms, two of them have double beds and the other has two single beds. There are two bathrooms one of them making a suite in one of the double bedrooms. It has a large living room with a dining area. It also has a outdoor patio around the house with an extremely nice area in front of the living room. The kitchen is fully equiped with basically everything you would need, including a dishwhasher machine. There is also a laundry area with a washing machine.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   2001
Area   100 m2
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Sleeps   6
Stories   1
Parking Spaces   3
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Balcony, Terrace, Cable TV, Ocean View, Mountain View, Heating, Fireplace, Garden,
Contact information
Contact person name   Luis Malpique

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