One Bedroom Apartment For Rent in Lagos, Algarve Portugal - Western Europe Property For Sale Or Rent at

One Bedroom Apartment  For Rent in Lagos, Algarve Portugal - Western Europe Property For Sale Or Rent at
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One Bedroom Apartment For Rent in Lagos, Algarve Portugal

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Property For Sale Or Rent: One Bedroom Apartment  For Rent in Lagos, Algarve Portugal


Montinhos Da Luz
APART.533 8001-901 Lagos

Rental property: 300 € - 694 € per week

Mazulis Cottages peaceful and care place in country side,with pooland gardens near beautifull beaches, golf, sports, good food and wine to taste, wildlife and historical places.
Mazulis Cottages peaceful and care place in country side,with pooland gardens near beautifull beaches, golf, sports, good food and wine to taste, wildlife and historical places.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1995
Area   45 m2
Bedrooms   1
Bathrooms   1
Sleeps   4
Parking Spaces   5
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Pool, Terrace, Patio, Mountain View, Tiles Atelier, Bakery, Bar Splanade,
Contact information
Contact person name   maria pinto
Phone numbers   282 789752  (phone) 282789752  (fax)
Fax numbers   962858353  (mobil)
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