Beautiful House - South America Single Family Homes Property For Sale Or Rent at

Beautiful House - South America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Beautiful House

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Beautiful House

Ecuador, Guayas


Rental property: $80 USD per day  (Negotiable)

Home For Rent in Guayas, Ecuador

The eco-system around the house is called Tumbesian, dry tropical, rainy season is January through March. This is unique and provides a plethora of endemic birds for birdwatching. The climate is very comfortable, similar to Galapagos, i.e. perfect. You can see the surf rise right out front, you have a big fish barbecue, you relax.
The eco-system around the house is called Tumbesian, dry tropical, rainy season is January through March. This is unique and provides a plethora of endemic birds for birdwatching. The climate is very comfortable, similar to Galapagos, i.e. perfect. You can see the surf rise right out front, you have a big fish barbecue, you relax.

No other point on the Pacific Coast of South America can give you a nicer view, and the town offers seafood like you wouldn't believe, and at low prices! I will link you to photos if you contact me, and Ecuador is a nice place to be.

Riding horses are ready for hire, and are available from the house. 24 hour security onsite. Housekeeper at hand. A bilingual naturalist guide (from Galapagos) is available, for those who want full itinerary as there are many sites to explore in the area.

You can conduct business in Guayaquil while using Shangri-La as base, this will be much more comfortable than staying in a Hotel in the city!

This is our dream place, and we want you to enjoy it too!!
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   3
Sleeps   6
Features   Distance To Restaurants 1 Km, Distance To Postaloffice 1 Km, Distance To The Bank 1 Km, Distance To The Beach 300m, Distance To Airport 90min, Distance To Hospital 1.5 Km, Distance To Nightlife 1 Km,
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