Country Home For Sale in Guatemala City, Santo Tomas Milpas Altas Guatemala

5 blocks from central park, santo tomas m.a, just 2 more farms around, beautifull view from social areas and master bed room, basement, 2 cars garage, unique view to the volcanos (acatenango, fuego)
2,500 square meters of garden.
you just see threes, volcanos and sky.
wood floor, big kitchen, two fire places, shingle.
you must see it.AmericaInternational listing of real estates for sale and rental properties. International directory of agents, agencies, brokers and real estate companies. Real estate, mortgage and travel tips"/>

Unique View To Natural Park "Florencia", - America Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

Unique View To Natural Park
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Unique View To Natural Park "Florencia",

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Unique View To Natural Park


Guatemala City
Santo Tomas Milpas Altas

Property for sale: $120,000 USD  (Negotiable - Financing Available)

Country Home For Sale in Guatemala City, Santo Tomas Milpas Altas Guatemala

5 blocks from central park, santo tomas m.a, just 2 more farms around, beautifull view from social areas and master bed room, basement, 2 cars garage, unique view to the volcanos (acatenango, fuego)
2,500 square meters of garden.
you just see threes, volcanos and sky.
wood floor, big kitchen, two fire places, shingle.
you must see it.
5 blocks from central park, santo tomas m.a, just 2 more farms around, beautifull view from social areas and master bed room, basement, 2 cars garage, unique view to the volcanos (acatenango, fuego)
2,500 square meters of garden.
you just see threes, volcanos and sky.
wood floor, big kitchen, two fire places, shingle.
you must see it.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1
Area   220 m2
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Parking Spaces   2
Features   Appliances, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Balcony, Patio, Mountain View, Totally New, Shingle, Front Of "Florencia",
Contact information
Contact person name   Sergio Godoy Franke

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