Ammouliani Plot Of 10.545 Sq M - Greece Property For Sale Or Rent at

Ammouliani Plot Of 10.545 Sq M - Greece Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Ammouliani Plot Of 10.545 Sq M

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Ammouliani Plot Of 10.545 Sq M



Property for sale: 150,000 € - 155,000 €  (Negotiable)

Plot For Sale in Chalkidiki Greece

Ammoliani is the only island in Chalkidiki. It is situated in the gulf of Mount Athos. The island has total surface of 4,5 sq Km. And the permanent residents are 564 people. During the summer period this number can even triple.

In order to get to the island you need to get the ferry boat from Tripiti.
Ammoliani is the only island in Chalkidiki. It is situated in the gulf of Mount Athos. The island has total surface of 4,5 sq Km. And the permanent residents are 564 people. During the summer period this number can even triple.

In order to get to the island you need to get the ferry boat from Tripiti. Tripiti is 130 km far from Thessaloniki and it takes about an hour and half to get there by car. Tripiti from Ammoliani is 2 nautical miles. During the winter season about every two hours there is ferry boat to and from Ammoliani. In summer season there is about every ten minutes a ferry to and from Ammoliani.

On the island you can find police station, pharmacy, doctor, supermarket , cafeterias, night clubs, restaurants, bakery, auto rental, butchery and many other touristic shops.

For further information or pictures pleasse contact me
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   11 m2
Features   Mountain View,
Contact information
Contact person name   lazaros Alektoridis
Phone numbers   0030.6946 051 672

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