Ideally Located Two Bedroom Flat With Terrace - South America Property For Sale Or Rent at

Ideally Located Two Bedroom Flat With Terrace - South America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Ideally Located Two Bedroom Flat With Terrace

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Ideally Located Two Bedroom Flat With Terrace


Punta Del Este

Property for sale: $50,000 USD  (Negotiable)

Apartment For Sale in Punta Del Este Uruguay

Private property for sale in Punta del Este.
The flat is on the first floor of Edificio España (two floor apartment block) and is 47 m2. It has two bedrooms, a living room with a large window with view of the palm trees, bathroom with shower, kitchen (with open view to the living room) and terrace.
Private property for sale in Punta del Este.
The flat is on the first floor of Edificio España (two floor apartment block) and is 47 m2. It has two bedrooms, a living room with a large window with view of the palm trees, bathroom with shower, kitchen (with open view to the living room) and terrace.

The flat is semi-furnished (for example, double bed and 2 bedside tables in the main bedroom, sofa, table and 4 chairs in the living room, oven and microwave in the kitchen, washing machine).

There is an indoor, underground garage, right under the building, with a free parking space for the flat owner.

The monthly property charges are approx. U$S 70 a month. There is a porter who lives in the building all year round.

The location is ideal, right on the tip of the peninsula, between Punta del Este's lovely marina (where most of the restaurants are) and the residential area near the lighthouse. The nearest beach, Playa de los Ingleses, is only 150 meters away. We are also 150 meters from Avenida Gorlero, the town's main shopping area.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Pool, Tennis Court, Gym/Spa, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Mountain View, Ocean Waterfront,
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