Beautiful Farmhouse In Front Of The Sea, One Of A Kind.... - America Property For Sale Or Rent at

Beautiful Farmhouse In Front Of The Sea, One Of A Kind.... - America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Beautiful Farmhouse In Front Of The Sea, One Of A Kind....

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Beautiful Farmhouse In Front Of The Sea, One Of A Kind....

Brazil, Bahia

Parque Das Amoreiras S/N

Property for sale: 340,000 €  (Negotiable)

Ocean Front Farm House For Sale in Itaparica, Bahia Brazil


Totalizing 32.612m² , being 124m on beachfront and back and 263m on both sides, this unbelievable property is located on Itaparica Island, the biggest of all the islands in the Bay of all Saints ( Bahia de Todos os Santos) just 40 minutes away from Salvador-Bahia, the 3rd biggest city in Brazil.

Totalizing 32.612m² , being 124m on beachfront and back and 263m on both sides, this unbelievable property is located on Itaparica Island, the biggest of all the islands in the Bay of all Saints ( Bahia de Todos os Santos) just 40 minutes away from Salvador-Bahia, the 3rd biggest city in Brazil.

On it, you will find a multiple variety of flowers, orchids, bromeliads, plants and tropical fruits, like : 70 Mango trees (more than 8 different kinds), 120 Coconut trees, produce coconut water the entire year, 15 Cajú trees ( the red kind), producers of the Cajú fruit and the Cajú nut, more than 20 Banana trees, among many of them, all that, in the middle of a wonderful garden with 4 small lakes, 3 of them are salt water, the water level is control by the tide, excellent for shrimp tanks, and fish culture, this 3 lakes form an small island connected by a bridge. The forth one, is an artificial lake, and is used for ducks and gooses recreation.

The property also has 2 water tanks, one of 10.000lts and a small one with 5.000lts, grill, chicken house, horse stable, and a tool depot.

The main house was built in the middle of last century, and belong to the Brazilian plastic artist Carlos Henrique de Sousa, it has 130m² (13m x 10m) and rest only the main external stone walls, due to the fact that was reform by himself, making from it an awesome semi-open loft:

1st Floor: the sleeping room 6m x 4m built it as suspended cabin on a rustic wooden style.

Main floor: Bathroom 2.5m x 1.5m, the kitchen 6m x 3m, his atelier and several semi-open areas are also on this floor. All furnished and decorated on a simple, colorful, and refined stile. It has also a phone line. All documents and taxes are in order.

The price: Reais $900.000 negotiable, or the converted amount in Euros according to the currency conversion rate of the day.

For any further information don’t hesitate to contact me:
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   32,612 m2
Bedrooms   1
Bathrooms   1
Stories   1
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Terrace, Ocean Waterfront,
Contact information
Contact person name   Santiago Serrano Aguero
Phone numbers   55-75-3344-1060

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