Millions of Americans have No Life Insurance - Insurance tips - Product at

 Millions of Americans have No Life Insurance - Insurance tips - Product at
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Millions of Americans have No Life Insurance

Posted by Ramone Petite

This is alarming due to the fact that so many Americans are in debt.

Only 61% of adult Americans have life insurance (down from 70% in 1984).

Only 41% of adult Americans have individual life insurance, many rely on group insurance leaving them vulnerable if they lose their job.

The average life insurance needed, based on calculations recommended by the U.S. Government for victims of 9/11, is $459,000...The average insurance coverage owned is $126,000.

Almost half the population would be inadequately prepared if the primary breadwinner would die tomorrow.

Some 45% of widows and 37% of widowers say their spouse was inadequately insured.

Within two years after death, 50% of the widows and 33% of the widowers are "just getting by" financially.

In the last two years, 11% of America households shopped for life insurance only 8% bought - about 890,000 households out of 111 Million.

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Most Americans don't recognize their need for life insurance coverage, only 29% felt they needed more.

30% of middle-market consumers (household income between $25,000-$85,000) find it difficult to determine how much life insurance to buy; 45% never had a Needs Analysis done.

Agents and brokers are seen as the most useful source of information when buying life insurance - more so than the internet, books and magazines, or TV and radio programs.

Facts from LIMRA International for LIAM, August 2004 Special Edition

Ramone Petite

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